Ministries at Peace

Religious Education, Music, Caring, and Youth are four important ministries of Peace church.

Religious Education

The Christian Education Committee oversees Sunday School during the school year from September through May, Vacation Bible School, and the Christmas pageant.


Peace church is blessed with wonderful musicians and a choir under the leadership of Cheryl Nichols.  Vera Nichols continues to provide accompaniment on the organ on Sunday mornings.


The Caring Committee helps to provide pastoral care to the congregation through hospital visits, cards and phone calls.


Our Youth Group is led by Kathy Belew and other volunteers.  The youth group, often in cooperation with other youth groups in the area, have traveled to participate in various mission trips as well as activities at home.

Outreach and Volunteering

Many members of Peace church volunteer regularly at the Ashland Food Bank distribution once a month.  Additionally various groups have volunteered to cooks meals at Ronald McDonald house, participate in the Angel Tree Christmas gift program, and staff the church booth at the Pumpkin Festival.